Illness Policy

Trying to decide whether to keep your child home from school? Please use these guidelines:

Children and families in childcare are exposed to a myriad of illnesses. We take the utmost of precautions to ensure that germs don’t spread amongst the children at UDCC, however, unfortunately, illness in childcare is sometimes unpreventable. In order to promote the health and safety of our children, families and staff, children with any of the listed symptoms are not permitted to remain in care.

Children are considered “ill” when they have exhibited any of the symptoms listed above OR when they appear to be too uncomfortable to participate. Ill children are separated from the group and cared for by administrative and/or support staff in the UDCC office. Parents/guardians/emergency contacts are notified, and children remain in the center office until a parent/guardian/emergency contact can pick them up. Sick children are offered their naptime mats, blankets, comfort items from home and water.

We understand that the reason children are in our care is because their parents go to work, which is why getting sick can be stressful – not only for children, but also for parents who have to leave work in order to care for them. However, it is our experience that children who return to school without adequate time to rest and recuperate remain sick and almost invariably present symptoms that would require them to be sent home.

Thanks for working with us to keep UDCC kids healthy!

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